Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The PhiWho Vacciwhated Antonios???

So let me kick off our illustrious new blog by saying...We've come a LONG way in just a few short years! How rude of me, the introductions have not been properly made. "We" refers to Mr. Jonathan Noel (using the ingenious pen name of Juan Knowwell), and myself Mr. Gregory Barton III (ok so I made up the III part, but if Jono gets a cool name I wanted one too). The next question sure to be we are NOT domestic partners, we don't share a bathroom (anymore 'cause he fired me), or have any co-fiscal investments in PETA, Sierra Club,, or any other rainbow-esque affiliations. Juan is married to...Mrs. Noel (we won't divulge Sarah's name in order to protect the innocent), we'll just call her Parch. My beautiful and ever-fertile Wifey (our address labels say Greg and Janet Barton...but I don't want her name thrown into this) shall hitherto be referred to as "My Beautiful Wifey" in continuous effort to protect the innocent, to maintain a healthy relationship, and keep my Friday nights booked with hot dates.

In following with poor grammar patterns*, I am going to start a new paragraph after having never even touched on the subject line of the previous sentence (for those who can't remember what said subject line was, please refer back to Paragraph 1, Line 1). Some background if you will... When "My Beautiful Wifey" first told me she wanted a natural childbirth, my reaction was to put my foot down and make sure she got a big needle in the back so I wouldn't have to see her in pain. I am now a co-instructor of natural childbirth classes, a part-time Dudela, and can openly say the words "Mucus Plug" and almost not gag. Juan and Parch used to roll their eyes and try to find ANYTHING other than childbirth to discuss. Now Parch will tackle that pregnant woman in Target who is reaching for the Cola and trans...something something not healthy but otherwise yummy treat, and invite her to the playgroup on Tuesday for further indoctrina...EDUCATION...I mean education.

I like the question and answer portion of this blog...because I ask myself the questions I want you to know the answer to, and carefully screen out any others that might offend my mother! So the next question: "WTF?" Well, allow me to elaborate. Juan and I wanted to have a platform from which we could share some of our thoughts and interpretations (from the guys point of view) about the crunchy viewpoints of our loving, and might I add perfect, spouses. I know there are a collection of guys out there that know exactly what I mean when I say that after a nice evening of Ga-Gina (that is a copy-write protected word pronounced Juh-Jie-na) and boob feeding conversations you just want to go do something manly like punch a TV or unload a box of shells into a watermelon!

Stay tuned for more!

*Disclaimer, if you are looking for perfect grammar then please feel free to read the Daily Spectrum...I'm just in this for the fun =Þ


  1. I heart you. I'm so excited to follow this blog!

  2. I heart you, too... you bald puddle of domestic partner love pudding. I wish you'd curse more though :)!

